ABORTION: I am pro-life and I support protecting life from the moment of conception. I believe all life in every stage of development deserves to be safeguarded. My vote in Congress will continue to uphold the dignity of human life.

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EARMARK REFORM: Americans are fed up with having a government that spends too much of their hard-earned tax dollars behind closed doors. I want to see immediate accountability in the process by which federal dollars can be spent on member requested projects.

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ECONOMY: The economy is slowing down, people are worried. Families today are facing high gas prices, increasing costs for food and skyrocketing medical bills. That's why I voted for the stimulus package that puts cash back into the hands of hard working Nebraskans and also gives tax incentives to businesses to help them create new jobs.

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EDUCATION: One of the best investments we can make in our future is our children. That is why I have proposed legislation to improve portions of No Child Left Behind which will give schools more local control over education, better acknowledges our teachers' tireless efforts and encourages developing better techniques to help a child learn.

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ENERGY: I support efforts to increase the nation's energy independence. I have been a leading proponent for hydrogen fuel cells and biofuels, especially cellulosic ethanol. The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 was signed into law and contains fuel economy provisions created by Democrat Congressman Baron Hill and myself. This provision will increase fuel economy in cars and light trucks by a whopping 40%. My hard work on this legislation earned me an invitation to the White House for the signing ceremony with President Bush.

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ENTITLEMENT REFORM: Financial reforms for Medicare and Social Security are desperately needed. Without reform these two programs are headed for bankruptcy. I want to preserve these two critical programs. We must have a national discussion about the type of reforms that are necessary to save them not only for today's seniors but for those that will need it in the generations to come.

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ETHICS: The current ethics system is broken. I support a plan that ends partisan gridlock, provides real ethics enforcement and brings greater transperancy to the system. The proposal I support rotates the chairmanship of the committee between the two parties regardless of what party has the Majority. It also requires the Ethics Committee investigations to be turned over the FBI for possible prosecution if necessary. Monthly reports from the Ethics Committee are also a requirement of this plan on its activities and investigations without violating the privacy of those under investigation. We must clean up Washington now.

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IMMIGRATION: Immigration adds to the rich culture of American life, but illegal immigration violates our country's laws and poses a severe national security threat to our nation. I support the SAVE act which will strengthen our borders and require all employers to use a system that verifies legal alien status and enforces laws already on the books for employers who continue to hire illegals.

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IRAQ: Because of our men and women in uniform a tyrannical dictator is no longer in power. The Iraqi people are making great strides, but do have a few more goals to meet. I want to see the troops come home as bad as you do but I also want them to come home with pride in victory and not shame in surrender.

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NATIONAL SECURITY: One of my jobs as your Congressman is to fight to keep our country safe. I support anti-terror laws that close loopholes in our intelligence laws and protect Americans' rights. Congress must modernize our intelligence laws that are out of date and hinder our ability to spy on foreign terrorists in a foreign land while protecting American citizens' civil liberties. We must have security, not uncertainty when it comes to terrorists.