First TV Ad Stresses Spending Cuts

April 23, 2012

U.S. Rep. Lee Terry’s campaign has hit the airwaves with a thirty second television commercial that details the congressman’s strong conservative record on cutting spending.

The ad points to Terry’s record of voting 157 times to cut an additional $7 trillion in spending.  His support for a constitutional amendment to balance the federal budget and his opposition to the $1.7 billion federal healthcare law enacted in 2010 are also highlighted.

“We can’t keep spending money that we don’t have. It’s bankrupting this country and it’s
ruining our kids’ futures,” Terry says in the ad.

Each of the 157 votes is listed in the issues section of the Terry campaign web site. The
congressman has supported dozens of proposals to eliminate local earmarks from bills that were considered on the floor of the U.S. House. Terry has also voted for numerous percentage cuts to bills or, in the case of the 2009 stimulus plan or 2010 healthcare law, opposed them outright.  Had the Senate not blocked many of the reductions, federal spending would be $7 trillion less  over the next decade.

Terry has sponsored a proposal for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution (H. J. Res. 1) and was intimately involved in developing the floor strategy when the issue came to a vote last year.

The ad buy is a “significant one” according to Dave Boomer, Terry’s campaign manager. A
similar ad will be running on Omaha radio stations.

The Republican primary is Tuesday, May 15.


Narrator: A consistent conservative, standing up for Nebraska values, Congressman Lee Terry.

He stood up against Obama’s big government agenda, voted 157 times to cut $7 trillion in new spending and he’s fighting ObamaCare.

Lee Terry: We can’t keep spending money that we don’t have. It’s bankrupting this country and it’s ruining our kids’ futures.

Narrator: Lee Terry led the fight to pass a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced
budget. He knows what’s at stake and he’ll keep fighting for us.

Lee Terry: I’m Lee Terry and I approve this message.