November 1, 2004
Lee Terry Legislative Accomplishments and Appropriations
Since coming to Congress in 1999, Congressman
Terry has been actively involved in crafting legislation
that has either passed or resulted in new policy
by the Administration. There are at least
30 key legislative victories in which
Congressman Terry has played a vital role.
4520, Corporate Tax Reform Bill
- Congressman Terry authored and worked
to include a provision that provides tariff relief
for utilities replacing certain nuclear power
plant components. This provision saved Omaha Public
Power District ratepayers approximately $500,000.
Became law in October.
4837, Military Construction Appropriations
- Congressman Terry worked with House appropriators
to include nearly $500,000 for a major runway
modernization project at Offutt Air Force Base.
1582, Increasing Telecommunications Service in
Rural America - Congressman
Terry introduced this bill to equitably distribute
universal service support throughout rural America.
While this bill has not yet been passed, it forced
the FCC to act on the Non-Rural portion of the
Universal Service Fund and award Nebraska $6 million
in USF dollars it has not previously received.
2825, the Consumer Access to Digital Television
Enhancement Act of 2003, introduced
by Congressman Terry, took the first major step
in the transition to digital television. Now,
most major entertainment components can communicate
effectively with one another. Additionally, all
digital television sets manufactured today have
an icon in the front which shows that they are
plug-n-play compatible - this icon is the
result of Congressman Terry’s efforts.
1999, there have been at least 83 projects
or programs for which the House has approved
funding, after receiving funding requests from
Congressman Terry. Of those 83 projects or programs,
72 have become law.
Fiscal Year 2005 Appropriations:
- $4.5 million for Omaha-based 21st Century
Systems’ SituSpace software for the U.S.
- $895,000 recommendation for Nebraska State
Patrol’s efforts to combat methamphetamine
(not yet law);
- As co-chairman of the House Impact Aid Coalition,
helped secure an additional $21 million in Impact
Aid and maintain $35 million as the Pentagon’s
portion of this funding that supports schools
educating the children of military families
(not yet law).
1999, there have been 210 pieces of legislation
either sponsored or cosponsored by Congressman
Terry that were passed by the full House,
according to the non-partisan Legislative Information
System. Exactly 67 of those were passed by both
the House and Senate, and 50 have become public
Congressman Terry currently has 13 pieces
of legislation pending in the House of
- H.R. 2978, to amend the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986 to provide an exclusion for gain
from the sale of farmland to encourage the continued
use of the property for farming.
- H.R. 4502, provides for individuals to use
distributions from an individual retirement
plan, 401(k) plan, or 403(b) plan to purchase
long-term care insurance.
October 29, 2004
Stunning new information:
During the 2004 legislative session, state Sen.
Nancy Thompson was present in the Unicameral chamber
but still failed to cast 42 votes on legislation
and procedural matters, U.S. Rep. Lee Terry’s
campaign charged today.
"The more we’ve looked at Nancy’s
missed votes, the more bizarre the whole thing
becomes," said David Boomer, Terry’s
campaign manager. "Now we’ve found
that on 42 occasions, Nancy told the legislature’s
Clerk to record her as being ‘present and
not voting.’ My question is, if Nancy was
present in the chamber, then why didn’t
she vote?"
Research conducted by the Terry campaign shows
Thompson missed 65 of 270 roll-call votes in the
2004 session—an absentee rate of 24 percent—or
nearly one out of every four votes. By comparison,
Congressman Terry racked up a near-perfect voting
record of 98.3 percent this year.
"Clearly, Nancy Thompson let her congressional
race interfere with, and take priority over, her
legislative duties. Why would anyone think she
would do things differently if elected to Congress?"
Boomer asked.
Among the votes Thompson failed to cast while
apparently sitting in the chamber on March 25,
2004, was final passage of LB 172, a measure eliminating
a requirement that school districts provide 7-12
graders with written information about how to
access the judicial bypass statute governing parental
notification of abortions. The bill was the top
priority in 2004 of Right-to-Life organizations.
"If Nancy was ‘present’ when
LB 172 came up for a vote, then why didn’t
she vote? Could it be that she didn’t want
to take a stand for fear that she would anger
one side or the other on the abortion issue? There
is one other scenario that could have taken place.
Nancy might have told the Clerk to register her
being ‘present and not voting when, in fact,
she actually left the State Capitol to work on
her congressional race. If that is the case, then
Nancy has lied and the public record of legislative
proceedings is forever inaccurate," Boomer
Friday, October 29, 2004
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Endorses
Terry in Second District Race
Omaha, NE - Today, U.S. Rep. Lee Terry announced
the endorsement of the United States Chamber of
Commerce in the race for the Second Congressional
House seat.
"I have always worked hard for small businesses
and their owners. I will continue to fight for
expanded business opportunities in Nebraska and
throughout the United States," Terry said.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world's largest
business federation representing more than three
million businesses and organizations of every
size, sector and region. The organization honored
Terry with its "Spirit of Enterprise Award"
earlier this year.
"We believe that your re-election to the
U.S. House will help produce sustained economic
growth and promote America’s competitiveness
in world markets," Thomas Donohue, President
and C.E.O. of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said
in an endorsement letter to Rep. Lee Terry.
Terry has also been recognized for his pro-business
efforts by the following:
National Association of Manufacturers;
American Shareholder’s Association "Friend
of the Shareholder Award";
Americans For Tax Reform "Hero of the Taxpayer
Award"; and
Small Business Survival Committee "Small
Business Advocate Award".
Terry has also been endorsed by the National Federation
of Independent Business, National Small Business
Association and Citizens against Government Waste.
28, 2004
OMAHA -- U.S. Rep. Lee Terry today said he will
introduce legislation next year in Congress to
make permanent three critical tax reductions that
expire on December 31, 2005. The provisions provide
tax relief to combat soldiers, offer employment
to parents cycling off welfare, and provide state-of-the
art computer equipment to schools.
"My opponent has said it is ‘complete
fiscal insanity’ to make tax cuts permanent.
What she doesn’t understand is that these
tax reductions provide real assistance to people
most in need. If they expire—which these
three are scheduled to do at the end of next year—then
people will be hit with tax increases. She may
want to do that, but I think her policy is ‘complete
fiscal insanity,’" Terry said.
The tax reductions that Terry proposes to make
permanent include:
- Permitting members of the military to include
combat pay in the calculation of benefits under
the Earned Income Credit;
- Providing a tax credit of $2,400 to employers
who hire parents transitioning off welfare programs
to self-sufficiency;
- Encouraging companies to donate computer technology
and equipment to schools through tax credits
on a portion of the equipment’s value.
opponent talks as if the benefits of tax reduction
only accrue to Bill Gates. She’s wrong.
My proposal will provide direct tax relief to
the brave soldiers who are defending our nation
in combat, assist parents who are becoming self-sufficient
from welfare, and provide state-of-the-art computer
technology to students so they can learn,"
Terry stated.
"I support those individuals who are serving
our nation in combat. My opponent apparently wants
to thank them by increasing their taxes. The difference
between us could not be more clear," Terry
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Terry Hails New Preventive Services Under Medicare
Says Program is "Bad Public Policy"
NE - Today, Congressman Lee Terry discussed
the Medicare Modernization Act during a breakfast
for the Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver
for a Day and at a speaking engagement at the
Hickory Villa assisted living facility. The measure
switches the focus of Medicare from reactive disease
treatment to proactive disease prevention.
Lee Terry voted for the Medicare Modernization
Act signed into law by President Bush. His opponent,
Nancy Thompson, has said she would oppose the
"Medicare concerns all of us. We need to
shift the focus from disease treatment to proactive
disease prevention. For years senior citizens
have asked for this common sense approach,"
Terry said. "This wasn’t a perfect
bill, but the preventative measures aspect of
this legislation are a good step in the right
The measure includes increased access to tests,
education, counseling and referrals concerning
vaccinations, mammography, pap/pelvic exams, prostate
cancer, colorectal cancer, diabetes, bone mass
measurement, glaucoma, cardiovascular, and medical
nutrition therapy.
David Boomer, Terry’s Campaign Manager termed
Thompson’s opposition to the measure as
"complete fiscal insanity." He said,
"providing upfront preventive services to
seniors will have an incredible payback in savings.
Apparently Ms. Thompson doesn’t understand
Thompson's misleading ad:
the Facts

Nancy Thompson's latest attack ad against U.S.
Rep. Lee Terry claims he voted to cut veterans
health care by $25 billion. Their citation to
support this claim is �H. Con. Res. 95�, adopted
by the U.S. House on March 21, 2003.
FACT: The legislation cited in Thompson's ad INCREASED
veterans spending
H. Con. Res. 95 was the fiscal 2004 budget resolution.
Under the legislation, spending on veterans programs
increased �from $57.6 billion to $60.7 billion.
That is a 5.4 percent increase , a level well
above inflation. Any claim that Lee Terry voted
to �cut� veterans programs by voting in favor
of H. Con. Res. 95 is flat-out wrong.
FACT: Lee Terry has supported huge INCREASES in
veterans programs and health care
Since Lee
Terry entered the U.S. House, funding on veterans
health care has jumped from $17.9 billion to $28.3
billion� a 58 percent increase in six years. Funding
for all veterans programs has likewise increased:
from $42.8 billion in fiscal 1998 to $70.8 billion
in fiscal 2005�a 65 percent increase.
FACT: Veterans know Lee's record�and they SUPPORT
The political action committee of the nation's
largest organization of combat veterans, the Veterans
of Foreign Wars, has endorsed U.S. Rep. Lee Terry
for reelection to Congress. In their endorsement
letter, Mike Wysong, national chairman of the
V.F.W.'s political action committee, stated:
�Congressman Terry has proven to be a strong advocate
for veterans and their families. He understands
the need to take care of those who have protected
and defended our great country, and he stands
shoulder-to-shoulder with us in the fight to improve
the readiness, modernization, training and sustainability
of our armed forces.�
FACT: The American Legion, Veterans of Foreign
Wars and Disabled American Veterans specifically
thanked members who voted in favor of the legislation
cited in Thompson's ad. (News Release, �Veterans
Win Budget Battle,� 3/25/2003)
24, 2004
political action committee of the nation's largest
organization of combat veterans, the Veterans
of Foreign Wars, has endorsed U.S. Rep. Lee Terry
for reelection to Congress in Nebraska 's second
district, his campaign announced today.
have garnered many endorsements in my campaign
for reelection to Congress,� Terry said, �but
I hold the support of the V.F.W. above all others.
Quite simply, individuals who served our country
in uniform are true heroes to me.�
Wysong, national chairman of the V.F.W.'s political
action committee, stated: �Congressman Terry has
proven to be a strong advocate for veterans and
their families. He understands the need to take
care of those who have protected and defended
our great country, and he stands shoulder-to-shoulder
with us in the fight to improve the readiness,
modernization, training and sustainability of
our armed forces.�
Liebsack, legislative chairman of Nebraska 's
V.F.W., said: �My organization has worked closely
with Congressman Terry on many important issues.
Lee Terry has been great for veterans, and I'm
confident that this sentiment is overwhelmingly
shared by my fellow members of the V.F.W.�
vowed to continue his support for veterans programs,
pointing to dramatic increases in federal funding.
Spending on veterans' programs, for example, is
slated to increase from $61.5 billion to $70.8
billion�a 15 percent jump in a single year. Terry
also said he would continue to work closely with
the Veterans' Medical Center in Omaha to ensure
continued federal support for the facility.

27, 2004
I have
heard the concerns of many Nebraskans regarding
the war in Iraq. I join them in praying that Iraq
will become a stable, democratic and strong country
and that all our soldiers return home safe. I
am humbled and honored by the valiant sacrifice
of our soldiers and their families to protect
our nation.
It would
be a disservice to the United States if we withdrew
from our mission in Iraq now. We would be undoing
all the good we have brought to a country that
was so entrenched in abuse. To withdraw would
bring dishonor to those who have already made
the ultimate sacrifice and it would discredit
the United States’ reputation around the
world, sending the message that we fail to follow
through with our commitments and promises.
I am deeply
troubled by the misinformation of the intelligence
that the President, the Senate and the House relied
upon to make the decision to go to war. Changes
must be made in our intelligence community. Equally,
though, many have distorted the facts of this
misinformation, too, implying intentional lying
or deception. This is simply not the case. British
Prime Minister Tony Blair’s recent remarks
are a powerful and accurate portrayal of the situation
and the decision to go to war:
one lied. No one made up the intelligence.
No one inserted things into the dossier against
the advice of the intelligence services. Everyone
genuinely tried to do their best in good faith
for the country in circumstances of acute
difficulty. That issue of good faith should
now be at an end…But I have to accept,
as the months have passed, it seems increasingly
clear that at the time of invasion, Saddam
did not have stockpiles of chemical or biological
weapons ready to deploy…
"I have searched my conscience, not in
the spirit of obstinacy, but in genuine reconsideration
in the light of what we now know, in answer
to that question. And my answer would be that
the evidence of Saddam’s WMD was indeed
less certain, less well-founded that was stated
at the time. But I cannot go from there to
the opposite extreme. On any basis he retained
complete strategic intent on WMD and significant
capability. The only reason he ever let the
inspectors back into Iraq was that he had
180,000 U.S. and British troops on his doorstep…
"Had we backed down in respect of Saddam,
we would never have taken that stand we needed
to take on WMD, never have got progress on
Libya…and we would have left Saddam
in charge of Iraq, with every malign intent
and capability still in place and every dictator
with the same intent everywhere immeasurably
emboldened. For any mistakes made, as the
report finds, in good faith, I of course take
full responsibility. But I cannot honestly
say I believe getting rid of Saddam was a
mistake at all.*”
has been a true friend to the United States and
I commend his leadership in standing firm next
to the decision to rid Iraq of a tyrannical dictator.
The United States must continue to do the same.

* qtd. in The Washington Post, Friday,
July 16, 2004
15, 2004
U.S. Rep. Lee Terry reported two key developments
today in his campaign for re-election to Congress:
a new poll shows he enjoys a wide 29-point lead
over his opponent while, at the same time, reporting
$605,000 in cash on hand as of June 30, 2004.
The poll, conducted for Terry's campaign by the
firm of Public Opinion Strategies on July 12-13,
gives the incumbent Republican congressman a lead
of 57 percent to 28 percent over his opponent,
state Senator Nancy Thompson. Libertarian candidate
Jack Graziano garnered three percent with 11 percent
Meanwhile, Terry filed a report with the Federal
Election Commission in Washington, D.C., that
shows his campaign has banked $605,000�an astounding
amount of money for a Nebraska congressional race
with a little more than three months to go until
the election.
�The latest poll and fundraising numbers confirm
our view that Congressman Terry has a very strong
base, is well-liked and respected by his constituents
and is poised to win re-election on November 2nd.
But we take nothing for granted, and will continue
working 24/7 to bring the congressman's positive
record of accomplishment to all the voters of
the district,� said David Boomer, Terry's campaign
Public Opinion Strategies Poll
POS, a nationally respected polling firm whose
clients include U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel and the
Omaha Chamber of Commerce, surveyed 400 likely
voters in Nebraska's Second district on July 12-13.
The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus
4.9 percent.
Among key findings, the poll shows that Terry,
a three-term congressman, is viewed favorably
by 62 percent of those responding and unfavorably
by 23 percent. Terry's �name identification� is
a near universal 97 percent
July Quarterly Report
Regarding Terry's campaign fund of $605,000, Boomer
said: �Cash-on-hand is the key indicator of a
campaign's ability to spread its message to the
voters. We will have the financial resources to
reach all of the voters in Nebraska's second district
multiple times over the next 110 days.�
In today's filing with the Federal Election Commission,
Terry's campaign reported raising $148,500 for
the period of April 22 through June 30.
Wednesday - Omaha World Herald
May 26, 2004
should listen [to Terry]
incentives for rural co-ops, public power are
a good idea
before energy law is passed.
U.S. Rep. Lee Terry
is right on the mark in pushing for the inclusion
of energy tax incentives in a corporate tax reform
bill being considered in the House.
Terry lobbied House Speaker
Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., to include what are called
"tradable tax credits" for public power companies
and rural electric cooperatives that take advantage
of renewable energy sources.
The energy tax incentives obviously
don't stand in for a complex and comprehensive
national energy bill, which should set national
policy on the right pathway to future energy development
and use. That measure failed to pass last year,
but it is still in the hopper.
The incentives proposed by
Terry would boost clean-coal technologies and
encourage hybrid motor vehicles, he said. In the
absence of a broad energy policy package, a smaller
measure targeted at the efficient public-power
sector and vital rural electric cooperatives would
be well worth doing.
Let's hope Hastert's mind is
open to Terry's idea.
26, 2004 - Key Campaign Staff Hired
15, 2004 - Terry Banks $648,000 for Congressional
26, 2004 - OWH: Government can help Americans
to save
15, 2004 - Lee Terry's Recent Accomplishments |